
Service Categories
  • Secure Software Development
  • Security Assurance Services
  • Security Consulting
  • Penetration Testing

  • Who we are

    We are an Australian cyber security consultancy specialising in Application Security and DevSecOps. Our mission is to provide the secure foundations for your products and services so you can focus on what’s most important, creating value for your customers. Together, we can confidently deliver secure software, whether it’s web, cloud, IoT, mobile or embedded.

    What we do

    Our approach isn’t just about finding vulnerabilities; it’s about understanding security in the context of your organisation’s unique environment. We assess how your processes, practices and software engineering assets can blend together to form unique vulnerability chains, providing insights that translates into tailored, real world recommendations for mitigation and prevention.

    We believe in working collaboratively with our clients. Throughout the testing process, we maintain open lines of communication, ensuring that you are informed and involved. Our goal is to empower your team with the knowledge and tools to strengthen your security posture proactively.

    Our services

    Web Application Penetration Testing

    Our web application penetration testing service is designed to thoroughly assess the security of your custom-built or third-party web applications. We aim to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cyber adversaries in both front-end and back-end components which could lead to sensitive information disclosure, or complete compromise of the hosting infrastructure.

    API Penetration Testing

    Our Application Programming Interface (API) testing aims to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in APIs that could potentially be exploited by adversaries, ensuring the integrity and security of data and functionalities exposed through these interfaces.

    Mobile Application Penetration Testing

    Our mobile application testing service aims to uncover security vulnerabilities in mobile applications on both Android and iOS platforms. We simulate real-world attack scenarios to identify potential security issues that could be exploited by adversaries, ensuring the protection of sensitive data and user privacy within your custom-built mobile applications.

    Secure Code Review

    Our secure code review offering is designed to assess the security of your applications source code. The primary objective is to identify any security vulnerabilities or coding practices that may lead to potential security breaches. This proactive service aims to ensure that your application is built on a foundation of secure coding from the ground up.

    Cloud Security Review

    Our cloud security review aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation of your organisations cloud infrastructure and services. Our primary objective is to identify security risks, misconfigurations, and compliance gaps in your cloud environment that could potentially be exploited, thereby compromising your cloud-hosted data.

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